domingo, 18 de octubre de 2015

Compulsory Writing: Different ways of studying

Studying in a distance university is really different from studying in a ordinary university. In this last type, class attendance is compulsory while in distance universities there is no lectures. Distance universities allow to have more freedom since you are not meant to go to university everyday. However in ordianry universities you must attend lectures because, if not, you would fail the subject. But on the other hand, distance universities are not as easy as ordinary universities. In distance universities you have to be very responsible and you also have to be able to organise your time really well. In contrast, the lectures you attend in ordinary universities help you to be more aware of what you have to study and that helps you to organise better. Furthermore, in distance universities you have to be your own teacher since you have to answer your own questions yourself while in ordinary universities you can ask to the teacher whatever you need. From a social perspective, there are also some differences between these two types of universitites. Ordinary universities allow you to make new friends and have a social life because you go to lectures everday and that permits you to talk to people and socialise. But in distance universities you have a more lonely life since you have to stay home studying the most part of your time and that reduces your social life. Maybe distance universities are meant for older peolpe who are working and have no time to attend lectures. On the other hand, ordinary universities are made for youth since they have more time to go to university everyday. The positive thing is that both universitites please the specific needs of people who study a degree and it is good to have different ways of studying according to the characteristics of each student.

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